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Privacy Policy

Our website and the programs employed within (such as Google Adsense and Google Analytics) may utilize “cookies” in order to obtain user data for the purposes of analyzing advertisement performance, presenting relevant banner ads based on user interests, analyzing traffic, enhancing user experience, and protecting user data.

Upon visiting our website, a small text fragment known as a cookie is dispatched to your web browser, subsequently recording information regarding your visit. This enables us to offer content and ads that are tailored to your interests in a more personalized manner. You have the option to decline the use of cookies or to receive an alert when a cookie is transmitted.

Furthermore, if you leave a comment on our website, you may choose to save your name, email address, and website in cookies. This option is provided for your convenience in order to expedite the commenting process, saving you from having to fill in your details again in the future. These cookies will remain valid for one year.

Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a service that provides ads to users on various websites, including ours. The DART cookie is utilized by Google to deliver these ads to users based on their browsing history across our site and other websites on the internet. This cookie is designed to collect non-personally identifiable information and does not track sensitive personal data such as your name, email address, or physical address. If you prefer not to have your browsing history used for this purpose, you can choose to opt out of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and content network privacy policy page.

Personal identification information
We do not collect personal identification information such as names, emails, addresses, or credit card numbers through contact forms, comment boxes, email newsletter subscriptions, or transaction forms on our website. Our website does not offer any means to obtain this information.

If you send us an email to our email address, your basic information, which is visible to the public, will be saved on our email server. However, we do not use this information for any purpose other than communication related to your email. To protect your privacy and maintain the security of your personal information, we do not collect or store any personal identification information on our website.

Non-personal identification information
At times, we gather non-personal identification details about Users during their engagement with our Site using tools such as Google Analytics, Google Adsense, and Google Tag Manager. Such non-personal identification information comprises technical data such as the type of device, browser name, operating system, country, and Internet service provider. When users communicate non-personal information via third-party services, they stay unidentified to us, and AllMobileGSM has no means of identifying them based on the non-personal identification information.

In what way do we utilize gathered data?
At MobileMobile.Org, we solely gather non-personal information to enhance our Site’s overall functionality and provide users with an even more personalized experience. This information is used to determine our users’ needs and address any technical issues on our site.

How do we keep your information secure?
In order to safeguard your information, we employ a variety of sophisticated security measures including a unique username, a secure password, a website firewall, and other advanced techniques. Our website is fortified with state-of-the-art security protocols to ensure that any data you share with us is kept confidential and secure.

Do we share your personal information with others?
At AllMobileGSM, we prioritize safeguarding your personal information. We do not engage in the sale, trade, rental, or sharing of any of your information for any purpose. However, it is important to note that third-party programs such as Google Analytics may still analyze your non-personal information.

Rest assured that we value your privacy and take great measures to ensure the security of your personal information. Our commitment to keeping your information confidential is unwavering, and we strive to continuously improve our data protection practices.

It is also worth noting that we may collect some non-personal information to enhance your browsing experience on our website. This information is collected through the use of cookies and other similar technologies.

At AllMobileGSM, we believe in transparency and are dedicated to providing you with a safe and secure online experience. If you have any concerns or questions regarding our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Privacy Policy Updates
At any given time, AllMobileGSM may choose to make changes to its privacy policy. Should this occur, the updated date will be displayed at the bottom of this page. We recommend that Users check this page regularly to stay informed about the measures we are implementing to safeguard their personal information. By using our website, you acknowledge and accept that it is your responsibility to periodically review this privacy policy and familiarize yourself with any modifications.